Press Articles
89. Iris Kulbatski: Unraveling the Mystery of Zombie Genes. The Scientist [web] October 31, 2023.
88. Carmen Leitch: Some Genes Become Active After Death. Science [web] August 2, 2019.

87. Kate Golembiewski: After You Die, These Genes Come to Life. Discover Magazine [web] August 2, 2019.
86. Queen Muse: Philly-Based Bioquark Wants a Shot at Bringing the Dead Back to Life. Phillymag [web] July 25, 2019.
85. Kevin Dickinson: 10 new things we've learned about death. Big think [web] May 15, 2019.

84. Adam Taylor: Did Anne Boleyn really speak after she was beheaded? Here's the science. NewsWeek [web] The Conversation [web2] April 24, 2019.
83. Anonymous: Des cerveaux de cochons décapités réanimés plus de 4 heures après leur mort. Futura-Sciences [web] April 18, 2019.
82. Hanane Hadj-Moussa & Kenneth B. Storey : Are Hibernators Zombies? Not Genetically Speaking… Science Trends [web] April 12, 2019.

81. Mary Ann Liebert: New peer-reviewed journal Death Research: The Last Frontier announced. Genetic Engineering News [web] March 19, 2019.
80. Thomas Cavaille-Fol and Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras: La science a découvert comment la vie s'éteint. Science & Vie [web] August 2, 2018.

79. Wayne Delfino: What really happens when you die? Signs of the time [web] August 14, 2018.
78. Fiona McMillan: Genetic Coda: Why Do Hundreds Of Genes Turn On After Death? Forbes [web] May 31, 2018.
77. Sarah Crespi: After you die, some things in your body keep on ticking, this video reveals. Science [web] May 25, 2018.
76. Stephanie Pappas: Death Is Weirder Than You Think: Why do some genes get more active when life ends? Neo.Life [web] April 26, 2018.
75. Wayne Delfino: What's really going on when we die? Signs of the time [web] April 3, 2018.

74. Shayla Love: If your cells continue to function, what does it mean to die? Vice [web] February 21, 2018.
73. Erika Engelhaupt: Genes could record forensic clues to time of death. ScienceNews [web] February 13, 2018.
72. Hashem Al-Ghaili: Your brain still works after death. Science Nature Page [web] February 9, 2018, 149K Shares, 8.1M Views.
71. Kastalia Medrano: Where do you go when you die? The increasing signs that human consciousness remains after death. Newsweek [web] February 10, 2018.

70. Jennifer Viegas: Life continues within the body after death, evidence shows. Seeker [web] January 24, 2017.
69. Bob Yirka: Gene transcription found to increase after death for some cells. [web] January 25, 2017.
68. Abigail Beall: Life goes on in the body after death: creepy study reveals some cells attempt to repair themselves when an organism dies. Daily Mail Online [web] January 25, 2017.

67. Carolin Kraaijvanger: Sommige genen worden twee dagen na de dood nog hyperactief. [web] January 25, 2017.
66. Sean Martin: Breakthrough discovery: Genes help scientists confirm 'life' after death. The Express [web] January 25, 2017.
65. Joshua A. Krisch: Monitoring post-mortem gene transcription in mice and zebrafish. The Scientist [web] January 26, 2017.

64. Lauren Tousignant: Parts of you stay alive after you die. The New York Post [web] January 26, 2017.
63. Arden Dier: 2 days after death, some life continues in body. Newser [web] January 26, 2017.
62. Arden Dier: 2 days after death, some life continues in body. FoxNews [web] January 27, 2017.
61. Dana Dovey: Life after death, According to science: cells fight To stay alive Long after body dies in 'twilight of death'. Medical Daily [web] January 27, 2017.
60. Emanuela Campanella: Cancer gene still alive in body after death; could be transplanted through organ donation: study. Global News [web] January 27, 2016.
59. International Desk: Genes help scientists confirm 'life' after death. Daily Asian Age [web] January 28, 2017.
58. Arrianne Del Rosario: Even after death, not all cells die: study. Tech Times [web] January 28, 2017.

57. Robb Francis and Ed Dawson: Interview with Dr. Peter A Noble. 610Kona New Radio\The Bottom Line, October 20, 2017 4:06 to 4:20 pm.
56. Javier Yanes: what happens when we die? OpenMind [web] October 30, 2017.
55. Mitchell Leslie: ‘Undead’ genes come alive after life ends. Science [web] June 22, 2016.

54. Anna Williams: Hundreds of genes seen sparking to life two days after death. New Scientist [web] June 21, 2016.
53. Ryan O’Hare: Could there be life after death? Thousands of genes are seen coming to life two days after animals die. Daily Mail [web] June 22,2016.
52. Anonymous: Zombie genes awaken! GenomeWeb [web] June 22, 2016.
51. Germen: Zombie-genen’ komen tot leven na de dood. [web] June 22, 2016.

50. Ben Taub: Zombie genes that wake up after you die could help to predict time of death. IFLScience! [web] June 22, 2016.
49. Julia Davis: Some genes do not turn on until you die. Nova [web] June 22, 2016.
48. Yasmin Tayag. Newly discovered genes will make us rethink what 'time of death' really means. Inverse [web] June 22, 2016.

47. Thomas Tamblyn: Is there life after death? Study finds evidence of hidden genes coming to life. Huffington Post [web] June 23, 2016.
46. Sarah Emerson: Scientists caught 'undead' genes coming alive after death. Motherboard [web] June 23, 2016.
45. Tanya Lewis: Genes expressed after death. The Scientist Magazine [web] June 23, 2016.
44. BEC Crew: Hundreds of genes spring to life up to 4 days after death, scientists find. ScienceAlert [web] June 23, 2016.
43. Anonymous: ‘Undead’ genes activate days after life ends, Like the Future [web] June 23, 2016.

42. Douglas Ernst: ‘Undead’ genes activate days after life ends: University of Washington Study. The Washington Times [web] June 23, 2016.
41. ОБСУДИТЕ В СОЦСЕТЯХ: Гены способны работать после смерти организма. Polit [web] June 23, 2016.
40. Len Rosen: When we die do we die? 21st Century Tech – A look at our future [web] June 24, 2016.
39. Richard Chirgwin: Genes take a shot at rebooting after death. The Register [web] June 24, 2014.
38. Anonymous: Zombie Genes’: There is life after death. Caribflame [web] June 24, 2016.
37. Lise Loume: Decouverte. Des centaines de gènes "zombies" se réactivent après la mort. Sciences [web] June 24, 2016.
36. Anonymous: Life after death? New study suggests certain genes remain active even after demise. Irish Examiner [web] June 24, 2016.
35. Marissa Fessenden: Some genes remain “alive” for days after death. Smithsonian Magazine [web] June 24, 2016.

34. Ian Johnston: ‘Jaw-dropping’ discovery made about genes that live even after death. The Independent [web] June 24, 2016.
33. George Dvorsky: Hundreds of genes spring back to life in the days after death, Gizmodo [web] June 24, 2016.
32. Tyler Kokjohn: Tighten Up or the Zombie Genes Will Get You, The Official Online Home of Jeremy Vaeni [web] July 25, 2016.
31. Elisabetta Intini: I geni che continuano a funzionare dopo la morte. [web] June 26, 2016.
30. Marie-Céline Jacquier: Les gènes zombie se réveillent après la mort. Futura-Sciences-Futura-Santé [web] June 26, 2016.
29. Кирилл Стасевич: Некоторые гены просыпаются после смерти, Science and Life Russia [web] June 26, 2016.

28. Jeff Maloy: Zombie Genes: New Evidence Points to Genetic Life After Death, Signal to Noise Magazine [web] June 27, 2016.
27. Rachel Siden: Genes may be active after death, BioNews [web] June 27, 2016.
26. Carole Lembezat and Jean Yves Nau: Hundreds of genes would reactivate after death. Genethique [web] June 27, 2016.

25. Marta Musso: I geni continuano a essere attivi anche dopo la morte. Galileo [web] June 27, 2016.
24. Dennis Rijnvis: 'Honderden genen in muizen blijven actief na dood'. [web] June 27, 2016.
23. Anonymous: Napokkal a halál után is működőképes marad számos gén. Origo [web] June 27, 2016.
22. Susanne Hamann: Zombie-Gene wie bei "Walking Dead"? Forscher entdecken Gene, die sich nach dem Tod aktivieren. [web] June 27, 2016.
21. Jean-Michel Bourget: Life after death: the cell’s point of view. Preclinical research – research in the news [web] June 29, 2016.

20. Tábata Bergonci: Vida após a morte? A sombria história dos genes-zumbis! Saense [web] June 29, 2016.
19. Anonymous: 'Undead' genes come alive days after death. [web] July 1, 2016.
18. Roland Reeves: BBC World Service: Science in Action: Podcast: Time 9:49 to 12:42. BBC [web] July 1st, 2016.
17. Francesca Scimenes: La vita prosegue dopo la morte nel nostro DNA. FidelityLifestyle [web] July 1, 2016.

16. Vijay Shankar Balakrishnan: Zombie genes come to life after animals die. BioTechniques [web] July 6, 2016.
15. PZ Meyers: Gene activity in the dead. Pharyngula [web] July 8, 2016.
14. Bruna de Oliveira Cassettari: Death is not the end of life, genetic research suggests. Into the Science [web] July 11, 2016.
13. Paul Lucas: Do some genes switch on (in mammals) after death? If so, why? Quora [web] July 11, 2016.

12. Alisha Aman: Rising from the Dead. Glasgow Insight into Science and Technology [web] July 16, 2016.
11. I: My transcriptome will go on… The Gorgeous Nerd [web] July 21, 2016.

10. Michela Candotti: Lazarus genes fully active after death. Alelos [web] September 19, 2016.
9. Chantle Edillor: Autopsy of a Transcriptome: Zombie Genes and the Non-Believers. Signal to Noise Magazine [web] October 07, 2016.
8. Amanda: Boo! Zombies are real! Talk Science to Me [web] November 2, 2016.

7. Minu: Life after death… ? Backpack full of questions [web] November 3, 2016.
6. Liz Gunn: The 100th Monkey: DNA comes to life after death! FACE TV New Zealand [web] December 3, 2016.
5. David Grimm: Our 10 favorite science news stories of 2016 with podcast. Science [web] December 23, 2016.

4. Norbert Herzog and David Niesel: Dead But Not Entirely. Huffington Post [web] January 12, 2016
3. Justin Petrone: Researchers develop new microarray experimental design that improves data quality, reliability. GenomeWeb [web] March 14, 2014.

2. Anna Williams: Your death microbiome could catch your killer. New Scientist [web] August 27, 2014.
1. Jesse Jenkins: The death microbiome: invasion of the body snatchers. BioTechniques - The International Journal of Life Science Methods [web] September 11, 2014.